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Calcium Chloride Test

Concrete slab moisture can cause problems with adhesion of coatings to your floor. This test should be done during the wettest time of the year. You'll need a small scale that is capable of measuring grams to two decimal places.


Calcium Chloride Test

Concrete slab moisture can cause problems with adhesion of coatings to your floor. This test should be done during the wettest time of the year. You'll need a small scale that is capable of measuring grams to two decimal places.

Sources of Moisture:
- Condensation.
- Moisture migration through the slab from wet soil under the slab
- Broken or leaking pipes buried below or in the concrete
- Surface water from leaks or flooding collecting on the concrete


• Calcium Chloride Test Method. ASTM F 1869, Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate (MVER) of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride
• Calcium Chloride Test allow you to achieve a quantitative figure which will coincide with floor manufactures requirements. Please note: The measurement obtained performing a Calcium Chloride only reflects the current condition of the concrete.
• Results will reflect a figure of weight in pounds of water evaporations giving off over 1000 square feet over a 24 hour period. The test must be done when the building is at the same temperature and humidity.

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